| | | | |
Francis Biddle |
Government |
9-May-1886 |
4-Oct-1968 |
US Attorney General, 1941-45 |
Karl Doenitz |
Military |
16-Sep-1891 |
2-Dec-1980 |
U-Boat admiral |
Hans Frank |
Military |
23-May-1900 |
16-Oct-1946 |
Nazi King of Poland |
Wilhelm Frick |
Government |
12-Mar-1877 |
16-Oct-1946 |
Authored the Nuremberg Laws |
Joseph Goebbels |
Government |
29-Oct-1897 |
1-May-1945 |
Reich Minister of Propaganda |
Hermann Goering |
Military |
12-Jan-1893 |
15-Oct-1946 |
Founder of the Gestapo |
Rudolf Hess |
Government |
26-Apr-1894 |
17-Aug-1987 |
Deputy Fuhrer flew unauthorized to Scotland |
Heinrich Himmler |
Government |
7-Oct-1900 |
23-May-1945 |
Leader of the SS |
Robert H. Jackson |
Judge |
13-Feb-1892 |
9-Oct-1954 |
US Supreme Court Justice, 1941-54 |
Alfred Jodl |
Military |
10-May-1890 |
16-Oct-1946 |
Signed Germany's unconditional WWII surrender |
Erich Raeder |
Military |
24-Apr-1876 |
6-Nov-1960 |
Reich Admiral |
Alfred Rosenberg |
Politician |
12-Jan-1893 |
16-Oct-1946 |
Nazi Minister for Occupied Territories |
Fritz Sauckel |
Military |
27-Oct-1894 |
16-Oct-1946 |
Reich slavemaster |
Hjalmar Schacht |
Government |
22-Jan-1877 |
3-Jun-1970 |
Reich Minister of Economics |
Arthur Seyss-Inquart |
Government |
22-Jul-1892 |
16-Oct-1946 |
Reich Commissar of Austria, Netherlands |
Albert Speer |
Architect |
19-Mar-1905 |
1-Sep-1981 |
Hitler's architect |
Julius Streicher |
Journalist |
12-Feb-1885 |
16-Oct-1946 |
Editor of Der Stuermer 1923-45 |
Konstantin von Neurath |
Diplomat |
2-Feb-1873 |
15-Aug-1956 |
Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Joachim von Ribbentrop |
Diplomat |
30-Apr-1893 |
16-Oct-1946 |
Reich Foreign Minister |
Baldur von Schirach |
Government |
9-Mar-1907 |
8-Aug-1974 |
Hitler-Jugend, Gauleiter of Vienna |