You Know My Name (15-Jan-1999)
Director: John Kent Harrison Writer: John Kent Harrison Keywords: Western
REVIEWS Review by Carroll Anderson (posted on 5-Jul-2007) The movie centers around the latter portion of the life of Bill Tilghman, an ageing lawman in a world transitioning into modernization. Thrown into the mix is that in his retirement, he is fed up with the Hollywood fictionalization and distortion of the facts surrounding his participation in apprehending or killing outlaws in Oklahoma. Though the film is not a documentary, it is authentic in the facts of Tilghman's life and the conditions in Cromwell,Oklahoma in 1924. Tilghman was hired by the town to clean up the widespread bootlegging, gambling, prostitution and underage prostitution, all under the protection of a corrupt federal Prohibition agent, Wiley Lynn.
Ironically, in keeping with Hollywood's proclivity to demonize Republicans, a blatant lie and politically motivated remark appears in one of the early scenes when Tilghman receives a communique from the Oklahoma governor. Actor, Sam Elliott's reaction is to remark,"Damn Republicans."
This remark misleads the viewer to believe that Tilghman's problems must be the fault of a Republican governor. In truth, in all of the history of the state of Oklahoma, all governors were Democrats until the election of a Republican in 1963, long after the era of this movie.
The remark has no pertinance to the story line, and therefore, must be meant only as a jab at a party that Hollywood hates. A more accurate remark addressing the corruption in Oklahoma at the 1920s should have been,"Damn Democrats."
Therefore, because of the obvious bias and misleading childish remark early in the film which misplaces the corruption blame on Republicans, I cannot give this movie a higher rating.
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