Legend of the Lost (17-Dec-1957)
Director: Henry Hathaway Writers: Robert Presnell, Jr.; Ben Hecht Music Composed and Conducted by: A. F. Lavagnino Producer: Henry Hathaway Keywords: Action/Adventure
CAST REVIEWS Review by anonymous (posted on 14-Mar-2006) Although this film has never
been considered one Sophia Loren's best works, it has elements very
different from anything she has ever done. The score is haunting as the
backdrop to the desert location, and the theme of redemption ( for her)
and fall from grace ( for Brazzi) dominates the theme of the story.
John Wayne plays his usualy predicatble western character , only in
this case its on a mule and the location is africa. The trek through
the desert must have been some dredful hairdays for Loren, all that
sand and sweat, but her inital characterization as a common trollop who
transforms into a woman of substance and value, at least to Wayne was
juxtapositioned against the fall from grace of Brazzi who, pedestal
pushes his father into some saint until he finds out that his father
was fallable by the same human emotions all humans are subject
to....greed, lust, jealousy. This realization causes Brazzini's
character to go from an honerable man to a dishonerable one, repeating
the fall his father took ten years prior. With all its flaws, and it
there are many. One is when Wayne attempts to interpret Latin Text in a
howdy drawl, when he they first find the dead city in the desert. I
thought that was quite a comical element. But over all I enjoyed the
film and I have always considered it one of my favorites of both Loren
and Wayne, simply because it was so atypical of any film either of them
have ever done. And the score was , as said earlier, haunting in its
nature and I felt totally appropiate for the desert setting of the film.
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