Hannie Caulder (25-Dec-1971)
Director: Burt Kennedy Writers: Peter Cooper; David Haft; Burt Kennedy Keywords: Western
CAST REVIEWS Review by LaughingCat (posted on 19-Feb-2005) Wonderful characters peopled by expert character actors made this film a treat to watch with a box of popcorn and a soda. And Robert Culp was especially sexy in the way he walked, sat his horse and moved across the screen. He was just beginning to get patches of gray hair that only added to his attractiveness. He was definately a "heart throb" for me in the 60s-80s.
As much as I like Raquel Welch, why she didn't insist on getting some kind of shirt or blouse to wear is a mystery. Even I know that a gunfighter would NEVER wear something that hindered them from getting to their weapon as quick as possible & she was constantly pushing that stupid poncho out of her way.
And what can be said for those evil Clemens brothers except BRAVO performances from each of them, especially Strother Martin with that unique voice of his, constantly talking and driving his brother played by Ernest Borgnine, to distraction. And of course, Jack Elam's drop dead goof brother played with expert timing, looks and twitches. He has been a favorite of mine since the 60s.
Christopher Lee, well what needs to be said here? He is simply one of the worlds greatest actors and it was wonderful to see him in a western.
Then there was the mysterious rider in black who appeared in only a few scenes. Very nice touch. I have not been able to learn who the actor was that played this part.
Yes, I would definately see this movie again and if I can find it in VHS format, I will buy it.
Review by Jo Walker (posted on 9-Sep-2007) I loved this movie because I love Robert Culp. What a shame he had to die in it without even a kiss from "Hannie." Oh, well! For those who might not have realized it, the mysterious stranger in black was Stephen Boyd--I would know that voice anywhere. He was drop-dead gorgeous and had a deep, sexy voice. I never understood why he was not credited. That look he gave Hannie said all that needed to be said--if I get my chance, you'll be my woman. Anyway, I enjoyed the character "Hannie" except for that damn poncho. I was beginning to wish it would get caught on a branch or something and choke her to death. I did cheer, however, when she killed the vicious, uncouth and unwashed men who raped her (even though I'm a fan of Elam, Martin and Borgnine). Their heinous treatment of Hannie aside though, they were a scream.
Christopher Lee was excellent, as always. He had enough children to start his own country. To his credit and my appreciation, he did try to matchmake Hannie and Thomas but to no avail. Pity. I thought that aspect should have been fleshed out a bit more. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
Finally, the ending was a good opening for an aside in another western. Hey, she could just be passing through town and we could find out what had happened since she rode off with the MIB.
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