Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (18-May-2005)

Director: George Lucas Writer: George Lucas Keywords: Sci-Fi, Star Wars Third episode in the Star Wars canon -- sixth in the franchise -- concludes the tale of Anakin Skywalker's fateful assimilation into the Sith juggernaut.
ABSTRACT Second sequel to Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999). Three years following the Clone Wars (as detailed in 2002's Episode II), Episode III wraps up Anakin Skywalker's transformational saga, following the young Jedi warrior through another space opera tale of death, deceit, and danger as he betrays and lays waste to Obi-Wan Kenobi, falls for the dark Emperor Palpatine's lies, and ultimately becomes the notorious Darth Vader.
REVIEWS Review by corsair (posted on 26-May-2005) For myself, with the emotional capital invested in this story, it can't but be riveting, spectacular, and hopelessly sad. The parallels between the mechanics of evil subterfuge performed by Palpatine, Adolf Hitler, and the Bush administration are well illustrated. It is a film for our time, a wake up call for those who find comfort in consolidated strength and ignore the erosion of personal liberty.
There is no more beautiful movie in terms of the visual storytelling. Lucas has used the power of digital artistry to its highest form.
The soundtrack may be the best for all time. 23407 is the closest thing to Beethoven or Mozart our generation will ever experience. His use of tone matches the flow of the tale precisely, and it always augments the emotion on screen. He is the master of film scoring. Musically, Revenge of the Sith is a tour de force of themes we have grown to love, with new movements that convey the fall of the greatest hero without getting in the way of the action.
Critics of this movie be damned. It is a tragedy, with few light moments, and it explains what needed explaining. For those of us who grew up during the era of the original trilogy, it is our mythology, and this final chapter is by far the most emotionally wrenching of the six parts. Star Wars should be considered one story, a fantasic masterpiece, and peerless cinema.
Review by suzanne (posted on 22-May-2005) I surprisingly enjoyed this film. having never seen any of the other star war movies I had no expectations I suppose and didn't expect to like it but actually found myself staying awake.
The effects were brilliant, no doubt about that, story line was good, bit above my sons head (he's 8) but he was transfixed visually anyway. It had a few scenes of humour and was basically a good film.
I had the impression that the star wars films were basically an imaginary type film with no substance but this film was pretty good in the fact that it did have gory bits in it and sad bits and was basically a well directed and produced film.
I don't think anyone could be disappointed. You can't love it or hate it - you either like it or love it. I really liked it.
And being a thirty something woman, Jimmy Smits certainly added to my visual enjoyment.
Review by Reg Reid (posted on 30-May-2005) Greatest computer graphics I've ever seen. Great sets and exotic backdrops. Mediocre acting and dialogue. The makers should have consulted an undergraduate physics major to get the physics of outer space correct.
Review by happycrackhead (posted on 20-May-2005) This film is probably the most long awaited, most talked about, most hyped film of all time. The big question is, did it live up to the expectation and anticipation of hardcore fans, and normal movie goers alike?
The answer is yes... and you can throw as many profanities before that as you like, but you will still get the same result.
I went to see this film with two of my friends who, loved the original trillogy and one, who loathed the new movies, and the older put up with the new ones. I on the other hand enjoyed the new movies equally as much as the old. Accompanying us was my beloved girlfriend, who's knowledge of Star Wars can be summed up in the phrase "If Darth Vader is the other guys, father, who is he?"
I wont delve into the realm of spoilerdom for those who have not seen the film. I will say this, my most skeptical friend, who disliked Episodes one and two, cried, not once, but twice. My girlfriend could not tear her eyes from the screen during the whole film, she had only gotten 4 hours sleep (thank you very much) the night before, and munched on popcorn and sucked down soda to stay awake, never removing her eyes from the silver screen. As for me and my other friend... well... we both left the cinema in a cold sweat moments later realising that our lives had been forever changed. Never again would those huge yellow letters send such shivers down our spine, or would lightsaber duels have us gripping our seats so tightly.
Yes this is the conclusion of the saga, it ends in the middle. No loose end is left untied and all your dreams your hopes and your pet hates will be put to rest.
Star Wars : Episode III - Revenge of the Sith is quite simply the greatest movie of all time.
Review by G. Ailis (posted on 25-May-2005) Star wars Episode IV started without beginning... Now that beginning has been made. Star Wars III very outragerous movie in all its aspects. One thing, very important and different from other Star Wars movies is, that, the main person, the person, with whom spectators live in hearts now turns to the "wrong" path. In all other Star wars movies, that person is, and remains good, and after all, the light victories, except for this one. Movies let you feel the pain, horror, and the power of the dark side, this is unique in this film. Till now, the dark side has been, the enemy, that far thing, from whom you must beware, after watching this movie, it kinda feels, that yourself has fallen to the dark side a bit.
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