| | | | |
John Abizaid |
Military |
1-Apr-1951 |
C-in-C, US Central Command, 2003-07 |
Keith B. Alexander |
Military |
1952 |
Director, National Security Agency |
Lew Allen, Jr. |
Military |
30-Sep-1925 |
4-Jan-2010 |
Director of the NSA, 1973-77 |
Dennis C. Blair |
Government |
4-Feb-1947 |
Director of National Intelligence, 2009-10 |
Marvin D. Brailsford |
Business |
31-Jan-1939 |
Retired US Army Lt. General |
George W. Casey, Jr. |
Military |
21-Jul-1948 |
US Army Chief of Staff, 2007-11 |
John T. Chain |
Military |
11-Dec-1934 |
C-in-C, Strategic Air Command, 1986-91 |
James R. Clapper |
Military |
c. 1941 |
Director of National Intelligence |
Vernon E. Clark |
Military |
7-Sep-1944 |
US Chief of Naval Operations, 2000-05 |
Wesley Clark |
Military |
23-Dec-1944 |
Supreme Allied Commander, 1997-2000 |
James T. Conway |
Military |
26-Dec-1947 |
Commandant of the Marine Corps |
Anthony H. Cordesman |
Government |
2-Aug-1938 |
The Lessons of Modern War |
William J. Crowe, Jr. |
Government |
2-Jan-1925 |
18-Oct-2007 |
US Navy Admiral |
Martin E. Dempsey |
Military |
14-Mar-1952 |
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff |
Walter F. Doran |
Military |
15-Oct-1945 |
C-in-C, US Pacific Fleet, 2002-05 |
Ralph E. Eberhart |
Military |
c. 1946 |
Commander of NORAD, 2002-05 |
Karl W. Eikenberry |
Military |
1951 |
US Ambassador to Afghanistan |
James O. Ellis, Jr. |
Military |
20-Jul-1947 |
C-in-C of US Strategic Command, 2001-02 |
Larry R. Ellis |
Business |
1946 |
US Army Forces Command, 2001-04 |
William J. Fallon |
Military |
30-Dec-1944 |
C-in-C, US Central Command, 2007-08 |
Charles A. Gabriel |
Military |
21-Jan-1928 |
4-Sep-2003 |
USAF Chief of Staff, 1982-86 |
Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr. |
Military |
4-May-1948 |
Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2005-07 |
Michael V. Hayden |
Government |
17-Mar-1945 |
Former Director of the CIA |
Robert T. Herres |
Military |
12-Jan-1932 |
24-Jul-2008 |
Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs, 1987-90 |
Lewis B. Hershey |
Military |
12-Sep-1893 |
20-May-1977 |
Director of Selective Service System |
James L. Holloway III |
Military |
23-Feb-1922 |
Chief of Naval Operations, 1974-78 |
Lowell Jacoby |
Military |
28-Aug-1945 |
Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, 2002-05 |
Jay L. Johnson |
Military |
5-Jun-1946 |
US Chief of Naval Operations, 1996-2000 |
David C. Jones |
Military |
9-Jul-1921 |
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1978-82 |
James L. Jones |
Military |
19-Dec-1943 |
US National Security Advisor, 2009-10 |
George A. Joulwan |
Military |
16-Nov-1939 |
Supreme Allied Commander, 1993-97 |
Paul G. Kaminski |
Military |
16-Sep-1942 |
CEO of Technovation, Inc. |
John M. Keane |
Military |
1-Feb-1943 |
US Army Vice Chief of Staff, 1999-2003 |
Frank B. Kelso II |
Military |
11-Jul-1933 |
Chief of Naval Operations, 1990-94 |
Leslie F. Kenne |
Military |
c. 1949 |
Retired Lt. General, US Air Force |
Charles C. Krulak |
Military |
4-Mar-1942 |
US Marine Corps Commandant, 1995-99 |
Charles R. Larson |
Military |
20-Nov-1936 |
C-in-C, US Pacific Command, 1991-94 |
Lester L. Lyles |
Military |
20-Apr-1946 |
Commander, USAF Materiel Command, 2000-03 |
James Mattis |
Military |
8-Sep-1950 |
Commander-in-Chief, CENTCOM |
Stanley McChrystal |
Military |
14-Aug-1954 |
Commander, US Forces Afghanistan, 2009-10 |
Wesley L. McDonald |
Military |
6-Jul-1924 |
8-Feb-2008 |
Led 1983 invasion of Grenada |
K. T. McFarland |
Government |
1952 |
Former Kissinger staffer |
Colin R. McMillan |
Politician |
27-Jul-1935 |
24-Jul-2003 |
US Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1990-92 |
Judith A. Miller |
Attorney |
c. 1950 |
US Defense Dept. General Counsel, 1994-2000 |
Kenneth A. Minihan |
Government |
31-Dec-1943 |
NSA Director, 1996-99 |
Thomas H. Moorer |
Military |
9-Feb-1912 |
5-Feb-2004 |
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1970-74 |
Michael Mullen |
Military |
4-Oct-1946 |
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2007-11 |
Carl E. Mundy, Jr. |
Military |
16-Jul-1935 |
USMC Commandant, 1991-95 |
Lloyd W. Newton |
Military |
26-Jun-1942 |
USAF General |
Raymond T. Odierno |
Military |
c. 1954 |
US Army Chief of Staff |
David Petraeus |
Military |
7-Nov-1952 |
Director, Central Intelligence Agency |
Colin Powell |
Government |
5-Apr-1937 |
US Secretary of State, 2001-05 |
Joseph W. Ralston |
Military |
4-Nov-1943 |
Supreme Allied Commander, 2000-03 |
Bruce Riedel |
Spy |
c. 1953 |
CIA Near East Asia Specialist |
Charles O. Rossotti |
Business |
17-Jan-1941 |
IRS Commissioner, 1997-2002 |
Gary Roughead |
Military |
c. 1951 |
Chief of Naval Operations |
Michael E. Ryan |
Military |
24-Dec-1941 |
USAF Chief of Staff, 1997-2001 |
Peter Schoomaker |
Military |
12-Feb-1946 |
US Army Chief of Staff, 2003-07 |
Norman Schwarzkopf |
Military |
22-Aug-1934 |
Leader in Persian Gulf War |
Joe Sestak |
Politician |
12-Dec-1951 |
Congressman from Pennsylvania, 2007-11 |
John P. Stapp |
Scientist |
11-Jul-1910 |
13-Nov-1999 |
Rocket sled pioneer |
Gordon R. Sullivan |
Military |
25-Sep-1937 |
US Army Chief of Staff, 1991-95 |
Patricia A. Tracey |
Military |
30-Nov-1950 |
Former Vice Admiral, US Navy |
Carlisle Trost |
Military |
24-Apr-1930 |
Chief of Naval Operations, 1986-90 |
Richard H. Truly |
Astronaut |
12-Nov-1937 |
NASA Administrator, 1989-92 |
Carl E. Vuono |
Military |
18-Oct-1934 |
US Army Chief of Staff, 1987-91 |
Robert F. Willard |
Military |
c. 1951 |
Commander-in-Chief, US Pacific Fleet |
Anthony Zinni |
Military |
17-Sep-1943 |
Former C-in-C, U.S. Central Command |