[1] It is indeterminate whether Jinnah was a Shia or Sunni. His ancestry ahs Hindu, Ismaili, Shia, and Sunni elements. His marriage certificate states that he was a Shia. After his death in 1948, his will was contested under both Sunni and Shia inheritance laws, with various courts ruling in either direction. In 1970, a court rejected a claim by Fatima Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan that he was Shia. In 1976, a different court rejected a contestation that he was not Shia. A third court overruled the 1976 decision, stating that "Jinnah was definitely not a Shia." However, it did not state that he was a Sunni.
Father: Jinnahbhai Poonja (b. 1857, d. 1901)
Sister: Fatima Jinnah
Sister: Shirin Bai
Sister: Rehmat Bai
Wife: Emibai (d.)
Wife: Rattanbai Petit (m. 1918, d. 1929, one daughter)
Daughter: Dina
High School: Christian Society High School, Karachi
Law School: Lincoln's Inn, London