[1] Reports at the time of her death say 1918, but she was definitely born earlier, perhaps 1913 (consensus date) or as early as 1910. See Edgar A. Thompson, "Gale Page Fulfills an Ambition", The Milwaukee Journal, 2 July 1939: "Modestly enough, however, she says her success is due to her lucky piece, a dime stamped in 1910, the year she was born."
Father: R. L. Rutter
Mother: Isabel
Husband: Frederick M. Tritschler (investment banker, div. 19-Oct-1939, one son)
Son: Frederick, Jr.
Husband: Aldo Solito de Solis (Italian count, m. 17-Aug-1942, d. 1973, two sons, two daughters)
Son: Angelo
Son: Lucchino Giovanni (twin, b. 19-Feb-1943)
Daughter: Marina Francesca (twin, b. 19-Feb-1943)
Daughter: Sonia