POV: Today The Wall Street Journal came out with an article, What do you say when your teenager is gay? What do you say to Christian parents who come up with this?
BACHMANN: Well, I think you clearly say, what is the understanding of God's word on homosexuality. And I think that this is no mystery that a child or pre-adolescent, particularly adolescents, will question and wonder about sexuality. That's nothing new under the sun since the beginning of time. But I don't think we should take that as, because we wonder or we think or we question, does that take us down the road of homosexuality --
POV: Could you add the word experiment to that?
BACHMANN: Well, certainly, there's that curiosity. But again, we, like, you know, it is as if we have to understand: Barbarians need to be educated. They need to be disciplined. And just because someone feels it or thinks it, doesn't mean that we're supposed to go down that road. That's what's called the sinful nature. And we have a responsibility as parents and as authority figures not to encourage such thoughts and feelings from moving into the action steps.
Later, on MSNBC